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Empowering champions of the disabled 



The Problem

Social Security is under duress. 

With over 1.8M new SSDI applications per year, a massive backlogs of cases -- each which take 2+ years to get in front of an administrative law judge ("ALJ") --  Social Security, its partners, and its beneficiaries need help. 

According to the US Government Accountability Office ("GAO"), every year, over 10,000 applicants and die and 8,000 file for bankruptcy while waiting for a decision on their application. 

We can and need to do better. 

Stakeholders are undertooled and overworked.   

Volumes of cases have never been higher, and the average SSDI file size has more than quintupled over the last 10 years. 

Stakeholders today need better tools than "Control + F" to find keywords in documents.

What We Do

At, we provide AI-based solutions to champions of the disabled, enabling them to more efficiently and effectively represent their clients. 

Our customers "Get Briefed" -- memos tailored to specific prompts SSDI practitioners are looking for answers to when they review a client file. 

Our AI-based solutions improve:

+ Quality of Representation

+ SSDI Approval Rates

+ Time to Adjudicate Claims

+  ALJ <> Firm Relations 

+ Client <> Attorney Relations


About Us

Contact Us  
& Download Sample Memo

Phone: (855) SS-BRIEF

Shaping Strategy

"The solution helped me find a new approach to winning my client's case.... It brought to my attention that the most unhelpful medical opinion in the client file contradicted itself. 
I wouldn't have caught this without; Now I have a much higher chance of winning my client's case."
-Sr. SSDI Attorney

Be More Efficient

“20 Years ago, when I first started practicing SSD law, I would write a brief for every case.   Without better tools, that's not feasible anymore because my case volume and the sheer number of pages per client file. has significantly helped me prepare a file for hearing faster and makes me a better practitioner." 
-Sr. SSDI  Practitioner


"In general, I'm skeptical about using AI for my law firm.  Every attorney has seen the headlines about lawyers submitting fictitious information to the court because of these so called "AI solutions." 
That being said, has really impressed me. I've used it on a handful of SSDI files, and it's a tool that has helped me uncover important evidence faster as I prepare my case. built their solution specifically for SSDI practitioners and it shows."
- Founder, Top SSDI Law Firm
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